Saturday, November 14, 2009

Genuine Revival - Never Got Over It! (Cont.)

When I returned to the dormitories that evening, I could not sleep! I just lay in bed rehearsing all that God had done the last 14 hours on campus. It was amazing! Since I obviously was not going to be able to sleep, somewhere around 2:30 a.m., I got dressed and went down to the lobby of the dorm (an old downtown hotel we had converted into a dorm), only to discover there were others who could not sleep either ... 400 hundred of them! They were not partying ... not just hanging out ... they were all praying and crying out to God to "not let up!"
Later that morning our chapel service began around 10:00 a.m., like normal ... but it was anything but normal! At 2:30 that afternoon, we were still going (we had continued right through all the lunch periods and no one seemed to notice or even care)! At that point, the president of the college stood to announce, "There will no classes the rest of the day ... we are calling everything off in favor of God!" We knew without a doubt we were in the midst of something not contrived by man, but sent from heaven! It was a divine encounter that no one could deny!
What happened in the Christian school, college and church that first 48 hours began to spill over into the community and a one hour television program that went out live on hundreds of stations on Sunday morning. By the time those days of revival were completed, there had been almost 700 people (683 recorded) giving their lives to Christ in genuine salvation (many of them had believed they were already saved ... until they witnessed the great power of God in conversion of multitudes around them) and then eventually, a book written ("Glory in the Church" by Dr. Ed Hindson [Thomas Nelson Publishers]) to record and testify the goodness of God in revival.
To this day, as I reflect back, as I ponder, as I dream ... I find myself asking ... why do we continue to settle for less? Why do we not as believers, once again, bombard heavens gates with our heart crys ... "Oh God ... do it again!" Will you join me in that passionate cry to heaven? Oh God, give us intercessors ... God gives us a holy dissatisfaction for "business as usual" and an insatiable desire for Your holiness and glory to once again be known in the church which you purchased with your own blood! Lord, send a revival ... a REAL revival ... and, let it begin in me!

1 comment:

  1. I arrived in 1977 and could still sense an unusual presence of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of Christians and non-Christians alike...haven't seen it since quite like that...close a few times, but not the same...
